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God told me…

Regardless of who hates you or doesn’t want you. I always want you. You are mine. I created you. You belong to me my beloved daughter. I’m always here. Always present with you. My promise to never leave you nor forsake you proves true. I dwell on the inside of you.

Rejection isn’t bigger than what you will & are becoming.

Despite Jesus being rejected even by us He still pushed forward to do what He came to do. Carry our illnesses, & diseases, literally die for us. Rejection can be a huge distraction to your assignment if you choose to focus on the fact that they didn’t want you & the why behind it. Jesus promised us that the world will hate us but to remember that the world hated him first.

John 15:18

Psalm 118:22

Isaiah 53:3

Psalm 41:7

Everyone can’t handle what you are becoming. You are not who you used to be.

Ever notice how you’re rejected when you don’t fit into someone else’s mold… Their mold would never be able to house or be big enough to hold who Gods called you to be. Your calling is too big to fit into man’s mold. The rejection you experience is for someone else, it’s for the others you are called to that are connected to your purpose & destiny. You being rejected has nothing to do with what you’ve done but everything to do with who you are & why God placed you here. You are not part of this world. God set you apart for his holy purpose.

Sometimes what you think is rejection is really God separating you from those who are literally taking away from your purpose not adding to it. They would literally just weigh you down.

We rebuke the spirit of rejection & receive the spirit of adoption.

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